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The Past

The Present

The Future

The Past


2021-05-24 And here’s another one. Pre-release no. 5 is called »Hidden Feature« and is about all the things in life you get to know to late. Sometimes its simply called experience and ends in the thought »If only I had known before…«. So this song is about us all, the video is about strong women who don’t care what other people say or might think. It’s about being themselves – and maybe also not.

2021-05-19 Do you know this feeling when you know you gave your very best and nevetheless have to notice it wasn’t enough? That’s the moment you feel like »The Big Pig«. And be sure…. You’re not the only one. There are millions of big pigs all around.

2021-05-02 This time I come around with an extra ordinary ballad. Watch »Another World« and you will see it might a antoher world, but it’s far away form being a strange world. And mybe you also notice it’s nearly a one shot video.

2021-04-21 On we go. Don’t waste time. It’s »Mayhem« time in June and we already celebrate it. May times get better. May the sun shine again for all of us. I can’t stand this f****** time anymore. I want out. I’m asking for sunshine.

2021-04-12 Here we are. The first video release of my forthcoming album »Mayhem«. The song is called »Isolation« and as you might notice it is a little bit about what happened to all of us in the last twelve months.

2021-04-10 And as I am excited too, I will start the great countdown with a first video. Wonderful story, great music, nothing more in need. Announcement of premiere will be later this day or maybe tomorrow… stay tuned.

2021-04-09 Time is running and so you can start to get excited exatly today. »Mayhem« will be released in exactly 10 weeks from now. The countdown is running! 10…

Ten Days for ten Euro

2021-02-14 This is your chance to get my forthcoming album »Mayhem« nearly four months before official release. Order the cd in my store for the next ten days for just 10 euro. Every single cent of your purchase will be donated to Posh Teckel bar in Berlin Neukölln. My favorite bar is closed for nearly twelve months now due to pandemic restrictions. The limited Edition »Save The Teckel« is available until February 24th and will be shipped worldwide. It’s a full edition with all 15 songs of official release and the cd will come with a 20-page-booklet. Please help to save the teckel and order your cd [HERE]

2021-01-05 Last year I said 2020 can only get better. What a fallacy! I think we all agree that 2020 was everything but a good year. I’m sure it’s a year we all will remember for a long, long time. But will we also remember the songs of 2020 for a long time? You can check it out! These are the best 50 songs of a year to forget.


2020-12-19 Time is a healer but hope a plant growing very much too slow.


I’ve had enough

and I want out!!!



Some new equipment for my own small world of music. The recordings for the new record are finished. Soit’s time to set the whole thing into the right mix.

The Vocals



2020-10-01 As you might have noticed – decisions have been made. Next release will be a new DiSORDER solo record. Coming in 2021 whenever time is right. 



The Chords

summer on the balcony

2020-06-18 THE LYRiCS

The mask


2020-04-11 It’s the art of making the best out of it. Do not let it get you. I know, so easy to say when reality hits you. And, yes, I am just as perplexed as everyone else. And, no, I don’t  have solutions. I just have ideas. Ideas that work for me and may not work for anyone else. But I am I and you are you. I can show you what I do and you alone have to decide whether this could be an approach for you too.
After all plans and ideas for [PTSD] regarding a tour or other live gis had to be thrown overboard due to the pandemic, the focus will be set on new music now. An yet unfinished project is Zetttkowski and there’s a lot of material that has to be recorded. The music is kind of punkrock – but really only kind of. It’s more maybe like retro rock. The lyrics are in German.
And of course the other idea is a new solo record of mine. I cannot yet tell you which of the two ways I will reach the goal first, but at least: There are two ways. Two different ways of finally letting out what has fallen over me in the past few months.

Are You F****** kidding me???


2020-02-28 Still something strange is going on in the neighborhood 


Sometimes it all simply gets too much! So much is lost!

Too much!

2020-01-22 Did I say 2020 can only get better? F*** it! So sad!!!

2020-01-13 Something strange is going on in the neighborhood  

2020-01-03 Game over for 2019. 2020 can only get better. Still available: The 50 best songs of the last year. Worth to listen!


Where will the road lead us to?

In love with bruges

2019-12-26 In Bruges (Belgium) for a few days. Merry christmas everyone!
Come and see this city. So beautiful! Every corner looks like a film set. Doesn’t go much better. I’m in love!

Get your copy @disordershop



2019-11-30 THE DiSORDER as Santa Claus
@posh teckel @teckel tv



The church of fear of the stranger in you.

2019-10-28 In September And Oktober we recorded the new album of [PTSD] – Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Here are a few pics from me recording the vocals in early October.

2019-10-16 A short hello from Stockholm.

2019-09-22 [PTSD] record will be released on Dec 06th. Watch out for »Blacklist«.


2019-09-14 And no… I still don’t feel fine!

2019-09-13 Still I am not the one I want to be – but I shout it out! Going crazy. Still can’t believe…

2019-08-29 I am still completely beside myself. But life has to go on – so they say. I feel my way down from day to day, from hour to hour. I bury myself in work, looking for distraction. Every minute, every second. No, I am no longer myself. I am the sad one. I am the one who no longer wants, but somehow still has to do…. Keep the flame burning…



2019-08-14 Speechless!

Sad! Inexpressably SAD!

2019-07-20 It’s dark, it’s raining. I wander the streets of my city wondering what’s going wrong. I no longer can reach you. No matter what I do, your snail shell is locked. You seem to be saying goodbye and that scares me. A fear that paralyzes me, makes me go round in circles. It cannot and must not be that this is it. Because no, of course it wasn’t all good. But everything had a reason. There were a lot of things I didn’t want to do –  but nevertheless I did it, because it’s about our future. Because I love you and want to offer you a life that we both love. So I set a few points. I have managed things, created a foundation on which we stand firmly and safely, on which we can build. And yes, that was not easy and sometimes you had to back off. I’m sorry about that. And I wish the way had been easier.

But it is what it is. I may have focused a little too much in a direction that wasn’t the present. I have neglected you because I was and am firmly convinced that I will make up for it in the future. That may be a mistake. But I am not perfect. I can only say that I have always meant well to us and everything I did has happened to the best of my knowledge and belief in our future.

And now I stand here. In the dark, in the rain, alone in the big city. You’re not here. I miss you. But I can’t get you out of your damn snail shell…

2019-06-10 Just a few more pics. This time from Berlin, from the Baltic Sea and froom Prague.

2019-03-19 First it’s just a thought. Then it’s getting a fixed idea. And in the end sometimes its reality. [PTSD] are back. There will be an album within this year. I promise. First recordings for the new album started these days. Main recordings will follow in September and October and record will be released then maybe in December.
Band members will be different from 2004 – the year of our debut. But people change – music still will be great.
Welcome aboard: Kai, Lisa, Kerstin, Jon, Mauro and Fred. All details: https://ptsd.rocks 



 2019-01-26 + + +
 Best Deals are made 
 in the bar next door 

 2019-01-19 + + + Recommendation 

Bryan Adams @ camera work, Berlin

2019-01-01 The year starts with the 50 best songs of the past year.


Merry christmas from Zurich

2018-09-15 – 2018-12-08 

Words And Pictures Vol. One

  1. Wonderful Bernd Kötting and Me @PoshTeckel
  2. A Shadow On The Wall @home
  3. Doing unexplainable things @a wedding
  4. Well, at least you know what they mean, don’t you? @unknown bar
  5. On my way to Clutch show @astraBerlin
  6. Short break on a show of David Judson Clemmons @Rote Beete Berlin


2018-09-01 It is important you always have enough good music to listen to. For that I created THE SKULL. It’s a playlist that wil renew itself every three months. 35 great current and new rock hits. Just follow THE SKULL and you always will be up to date.

2018-08-04 Guess…

Sometimes Winter Ends In Summer

2018-07-25 I have been sleeping for several months and now I am awake again. I have a hunger deep inside and let it take ahold of me. The time to hunt has come. It’s time for me to start over. Hunger will lead me. We know one of us is going down but I say let’s do it anyway. One of us is going down but let’s do it anyway.

—–> Push the button. Restart the year.

2018-01-03 Happy New Year to everyone. And here are the 30 best songs of 2017. My Playlist THE SKULL 2017.

The Present



2021-06-11 MAYHEM

[Buy CD or download]


2021-06-04 This is the last pre-release before »Mayhem« will be available. The song »The Golden Age« is about the crazy times we live in. Times when every idiot finds a way to spread his rubbish by social media. A million of addressees are waiting in the worldwide web. And they feel great with their inhuman fantasies. After all, they are relevant because the whole world can read their opinion. That in the end of the millions there are only a few at least perfectly daft jerks who really read through the joke – no, they don’t check that.

The Future

Tourdates will follow

2021-06-11 The day of release I can say: Yes, tourdates, gig and concerts will follow. But we need to wait a little more until we really can say: Ok, now it’s safe again to play the small locations with a hundred people on 20 m².

So to be sure you don’t miss the release of the tour dates: Why don’t you sign my newsletter? As you fdo I promise you’ll be the first to know about every gig I play.


As you might have noticed the new design of my website you also may ask yourself what other news about THE DiSORDER will the future bring?! Well, the future will bring news – only I don’t know yet when. 

The whole situation is so confusing that hardly anyone can say what tomorrow will bring. Of course, the preparations are under way. The songs, the record – everything basically ready and ready to go. The first videos have already been shot. Of course there are already ideas for first live gigs with the new album. But what does it help to publish dates and sell tickets now if you don’t know whether the show really can be played due to the coronavirus. So a bit of waiting is still the order of the day, but at some point it can suddenly go very quickly: New song, new video, new album, finally live on stage again.

To be absolutely sure you don’t miss the starting shot, of course I recommend subscribing to my mailing list. With the newsletter you are not only always well informed, but you will also be the first to know. Because first the mail will be sent, then the homepage is updated. Of course, the service is totally free and if you don’t want any further information at all anymore you can cancel your subscription immediately and at any time. So what are you waiting for? Join the disorderuniverse!